MagiskGApps maker is a online program that converts regular GApps packages into Magisk flashable GApps packages.
- Download desired GApps package from the sources below
- Upload and select GApps type from the menu
- Generate the new Magisk flashable GApps file
- The file can take more than 5 minutes to generate. Please refer to the console for progress. When generating, please do not leave the page.
- Once generated, flash the module in Magisk.
- Please note: I cannot test every GApps package for every android version, so if you run into any issues, please open an issue on Github.
MagiskGApps maker works by a simple JavaScript program. It extracts the GApps package, and moves the required files into a Magisk Module. Each GApps type is different, meaning a new script is required for each type. The script generates a custom module.prop file, meaning that the name of the original GApps file is represented in the Magisk app.
Supported GApps packages listed below.
I cannot test every GApps package for every android version, so if you run into any issues, please open an issue on Github.
Upload your GApps file
Select the GApps type
If a Google app is updated after the module is installed, the app may stay on the device, even if the module is removed. The updated apps can be uninstalled, as they do not remain as system apps after the module is removed.
This is due to the original GApps packages being designed to show device setup on first boot after the flash. But when the MGM module is flashed, it still carrys over the device setup app. Disableing this app should fix this issue, and a perminant fix is in the works.